Friday, May 1, 2009

Book in a Month

My big week starts Monday. Book in a Week. Some of the participants will start this weekend but I didn't know that was an option so I'm starting Monday. I'm hoping to pump out a lot of words. But what if I run out of things to say? Or write 40,000 words and realize that the plot won't work? Or I don't like the main character's annoying habit of sneering at people or that someone else is sickeningly sweet? These things can happen you know?

When I was a kid, the man next door, Mr. Papkey used to call me Windy Cindy--so maybe running out of words is the least of my problems. Of course, he also told me that if I didn't mind my parents and he found out about it, he'd turn my nose upside down ...

When I wrote Nineteen Darby Way, I reached 40,000 words and had to begin all over again...that was a chore, one I won't forget soon, and one I do not want to repeat.

To put things in perspective, if I were to join NaNoWriMo (National November Writing Month which takes place only in November) I'd be expected to pump out a total of 50,000--in thirty days. But a book in a week?

What I do know is that the class is incredible and I highly recommend it if you're looking for a solid jump start to your novel, memoir, nonfiction book. Visit April's web site at for more information. I believe she's going to be starting another class early summer.

So next week, I won't be blogging. And if I am, please tell me to stop!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck Cindy! Be brave and write through any plot and character issues that come up.
